A 30+year radio veteran, Mike interviews the most amazing in the world today from actors to singers to musicians to comedians to famous celebrities and upcoming talent and the most amazing people in the world today! Mike can also be heard weekends playing your favorites on KFYR!
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Chicago author, speaker, and life coach Felicity Nicole talks about her latest release “Pieces of Me” reflecting her process of strength, courage and resiliency pulling out of her tragedy growing in an abusive home and leading her to rebuild her life from the ground up and her journey debunks the myth of “point of no return”! Felicity is also the brand owner of “She Is You” as a community for midlife women seeking support on their healing journey and more! Check out her amazing book on Amazon and her amazing website at www.shieisyoumag.com today! #felicitynicole #chicagoauthor #piecesofme #pointofnoreturn #sheisyou #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerfelicitynicole #themikewagnershowfelicitynicole
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Multi-award-winning celebrity hypnotherapist/author of over 30+ books from the UK Jonathan Royle talks about his latest release “Sh*tnosis” as the ultimate self-help book helping readers to get over the sh*t in their life and getting their sh*t together! Jonathan began his entertainment career at 3 as Britain’s youngest paid circus clown and later became a celebrity hypnotherapist plus survived several near-death experiences and the author of over 30+ books including “Millionaire Plan”, “Passive Hypnosis Profits”, and how hypnosis in many ways can change your life! Check out the amazing Jonathan Royle on all major platforms and www.magicalguru.co.uk today! #jonathanroyle #themagicalguru #celebrityhypnotherapist #shitnosis #author #hypnotist #selfhelp #circus #millionaireplan #passivehypnosisprofits #magic #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerjonathanroyle #themikewagnershowjonathanroyle
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
New York state serial entrepreneur/experienced business coach Jennifer Dawn talks about how her virtual coaching/marketing firm Jennifer Dawn Coaching helps clients grow their businesses to seven figures with ease and efficiency streamlining operations, enhancing productivity, and increasing their bottom line without sacrificing their mental health! Jennifer began her amazing career selling apples off her grandfather’s tree, founded first software company at 23 and has grown two multi-million dollar businesses plus she discusses goal setting, time management, productivity, work-life balance, etc. and also the host of the popular “The Happy Productive Podcast” and creator of “Best Planner Ever”! Find out how Jennifer can help you with your business and bottom line at www.jenniferdawncoaching.com and www.bestplannerever.com today! #jenniferdawn #serialentrepreneur #virtualcoaching #jenniferdawncoaching #sevenfigurebusiness #mentalhealth #timemanagement #thehappyproductivepodcast #bestplannerever #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow#mikewagnerjenniferdawncoaching #themikewagnershowjenniferdawncoaching
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
NYC serial entrepreneur and founder of Uncaged Innovations Stephanie Downs talks about how her next-gen leather biomaterials company is an environmental-friendly alternative to creating fashionable, long-lastingproducts without the misuse of animals and chemicals that harm the planet, anbecome a radical game-changer in the fashion industry! Stephanie is also a multi-award winner and began her career founding MarKomm as the first search engine marketing tool, and started Good Dot featuring plant-based meat manufactured in India plus her upcoming plans for 2023 and beyond! Check out the amazing product line from Stephanie Downs at www.uncagedinnovations.com today! #stephaniedowns #NYC #serialenterpreneur #uncagedinnovations #leather #biomaterials #animalabuse #environment #fashionindustry #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerstephaniedowns #themikewagnershowstephaniedowns
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
North Carolina author, business professional, life coach, yoga instructor and self-development speaker David Richards talks about his latest release “Love Letters to the Virgin Mary: The Resurrection of King David” about his entire life searching for a single woman on a planet with billions of people, wrestling with his soul and realizing his mission uniting the nations of Abraham bringing about heaven & earth coming to terms who he is! David talks about his life growing up in the military throughout the U.S. and has served in Somalia, operation Desert Storm, and lived in Okinawa, Japan for 3 years plus his other releases “Whisky & Yoga” and “The Lighthouse Keeper: A Story of Mind Mastery”! Check out the amazing David Richards on all major platforms and www.davidrichardsauthor.com today! #davidrichards #authordavidrichards #northcarolina #military #lovelettertothevirginmary #whiskyandyoga #thelighthousekeeper #somalia #operationdesertstorm #okinawa #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdavidrichards #themikewagnershowdavidrichards
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Multifaceted international sensation Irina Maleeva talks about her latest in her recurring role on Peacock’s “Paul T. Goldman” and the upcoming “Sunny’s Closet”! Irina has been an international star of the stage, screen, TV, cabaret and the world of music beginning as a child performer in Bulgaria and later discovered at 15 by legendary director Federico Fellini as she appeared in “Satyricon”, “Spirits of the Dead”, and “Roma” plus working with Orson Welles on “The Merchant of Venice”, and has made numerous appearances including “Bold and the Beautiful”, “The Meddler”, “Days of Our Lives”, “Gilmour Girls” and Union City with Blondie’s Deborah Harry! Check out the amazing Irina Maleeva on all streaming platforms and www.irinamaleeva.com today! #irinamaleeva #actress #theater #bulgaria #paultgoldman #peacock #sunnyscloset #federicofellini #orsonwelles #satyricon #spiritsofthedead #roma #themerchantofvenice #themeddler #unioncity #deborahharry #iheartradio#spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagneririnamaleeva #themikewagnershowirinamaleeva
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
American singer/songwriter/guitarist/producer raised in Buffalo, NY Max Muscato talks about his latest projects “Autism Acceptance” and the upcoming documentary “Night of Sonnyboy Tour”! Max began his music career on guitar at 13 and several bands at 16, raised by his professional percussionist Marc and opened for Citizen Cope, Aaron Carter, Theory for a Deadman, plus formed the Rock Autism Music Festival! As part of “Night of Sunnyboy”, the documentary features the story of Max, Sonny and his father bonding through music going through various life events, perseverance and attention to autism, and describes the mission to support individuals with autism to develop music, film and the multimedia arts leading to employment in their given interest! Check out the amazing Max Muscato on all major platforms and www.maxmuscato.com today! #maxmuscato #singer #autism #buffalonewyork #autismacceptance #nightofsonnyboy #marcmuscato #sonnymuscato #rockaustimmusicfestival #citizencope #aaroncarter #theoryofadeadman #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnermaxmuscato #themikewagnershowmaxmuscato
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Florida author/teacher Tom Norris talks about his new book “A Fresh Cup of Tolerance” !
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Author Tom Norris talks about his new book “A Fresh Cup of Tolerance” building on strong spiritual foundations from Native American, Asian, Neopagan, Judeo-Christian, and Islamic traditions. Pragmatic and straightforward, it addresses the most pressing global dilemmas of our time: environment, globalization, feminism and gender issues, religious strife, oppression, poverty, war, and prejudice. His book teaches us how universalism can offer a pathway to hope and also his previous book “A Fresh Cup of Counseling” as a breakthrough guide to spiritual counseling with ideas, training, and real-life stories and more!
Tom has taught in the Religious Studies Department at Florida International University since 2005 but has also taught psychology at the university level since 1980. Currently, he teaches World Religions, Introduction to Religion, and Liberation Theology.
With 51 years of counseling experience, he is the head of the spiritual and pastoral counseling agency, Inner Life Transformations, which provides online counseling for people worldwide.
Check out his amazing releases on all major platforms and www.afreshcupseries.com today!
#tomnorris #author #counselor #afreshcupoftolerance #innerlifetransformations #afreshcupofcounseling #afreshcupseries #universalism #universalistchurch #floridainternationaluniversity #liberationtheology #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnertomnorris #themikewagnershowtomnorris
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Author and former President of American Society of Anesthesiologists Dr. James Cottrell talks about his latest release “Anesthesia Without Fear” aiming to explain the critical role of the anesthesiologist who literally have your life in their hands, keeping safe during the procedure and bringing back to conscious after the surgery! Dr. Cottrell also shares some stories in his distinguished career including what actually goes on in the operating room, offering advice and insight to becoming an anesthesiologist, and becoming a patient advocate while also serving as an excellent resource for future anesthesiologists! Check out the latest from Dr. James Cottrell on all platforms and www.anesthesiawithoutfear.com today! #drjamescottrell #jamescottrell #author #anesthesia #anesthesiologist #anesthesiawithoutfear #healthercare #surgery #patientadvocate #operatingroon #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnersdrjamescottrell #themikewagnershowdrjamescottrell
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
South Dakota Author and foster care speaker Sabrina Oxford talks about her latest release “100 Facebook Friends” where she searches the world for everyday people doing their part to make the world a better place! Sabrina has been helping foster care children attend college and talks of her upbringing in the foster care system, plus worked in the health care industry, massage therapist, regional general manager for a computer store chain, and began proofscholarships.org trying to expand nationally with People’s Reach Out on Foster Care! Check out the amazing Sabrina Oxford and her releases on all platforms today! #sabrinaoxford #southdakota #author #100facebookfriends #fostercare#proofscholarships #peoplesreachoutonfostercare #iheartradio #spreaker #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnersabrinaoxford #themikewagnershowsabrinaoxford