A 30+year radio veteran, Mike interviews the most amazing in the world today from actors to singers to musicians to comedians to famous celebrities and upcoming talent and the most amazing people in the world today! Mike can also be heard weekends playing your favorites on KFYR!
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Compton, CA born/raised multi-talented performer Jarrell Pyro Johnson talks about his amazing career in the film & entertainment industry including his project “Dinner with the God of War” as Executive Producer and playing the lead role of Kratos! Jarrell fell in love with entertainment and music at the age of 5 and later officially started working on his sound and his production skill while he attended Hampton University in Hampton Virginia with his music group Don Style Music Group (DSMG). He later began acting in ’15 by showcasing his own music videos through YouTube later multiple YouTube Series, plus various short film and big screen projects, releasing two studio albums, one mixtape and more! Jarrell was also featured in “Black Panther: Wakanda Forever”, “Obstacle Corpse”, “The Outlaw Johnny Black” and discusses major plans for 2023 and beyond! Check out the amazing Jarrell Pyro Johnson on all streaming platforms! #jarrellpyrojohnson #compton #california #executiveproducer #dinnerwiththegodofwar #hamptonuniversity #donstylemusicgroup #blackpanther #wakandaforever #obstaclecorpse #theoutlawjohnnyblack #iheartradio#spotify #apple #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerjarrellpyrojohnson #themikewagnershowjarrellpyrojohnson
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Author/Professor of Law Daniel L. Hatcher talks about the latest book “Injustice, Inc.: How America’s Justice System Commodifies Children and the Poor “ uncovering insidious operations turning injustice into revenue as he exposes how our juvenile, family, and criminal justice systems thrive on monetizing inequality and harm to struggling youth and adults! Daniel is a Professor of Law in the University of Baltimore’s Civil Advocacy Clinic in which law students represent low-income clients and a former Maryland Legal Aid and Children’s Defense Fund attorney, he has long been a scholar, advocate, and teacher on poverty and justice. Daniel also uncovers insidious operations turning injustice into revenue and why our current system is not working and crucial to understand how we must shore up the foundations of justice! Check out the latest release from Daniel L. Hatcher on all major retailers today! #daniellhatcher #author #lawyer #baltimoreciviladvocacyclinic #injustice #marylandlegalaid #childrensdefensefund #lowincomelegalassistance #legalassistance #criminaljustice #iheartradio#spotify #apple #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerdaniellhatcher #themikewagnershowdaniellhatcher
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Canadian author/entrepreneur Brian Collins talks about his new book “Step Off the Porch and Start Your Own Business” which, he shares the steps he took to create, shape, incorporate, fund, market, and handle all issues, from lawsuits, tax problems to staff concerns, when starting a new business venture. He also discusses his “6 Rules for Success,” which he coined for himself. Brian Collins has been an entrepreneur since the age of 31, when he quit his job with a large American customs and trucking company where he was C.F.O for the Canadian region. Brian got the fever to be his own boss and has not looked back. He started four businesses, all in very different business sectors, with zero experience in any of those fields, and was successful with all. Check out the latest Brian Collins on all major retail platforms and www.stepofftheporchandstartyourownbusiness.com today! #briancollins #author #entrepreneur #canada #stepofftheporchandstartyourownbusiness #CFO #americancustoms #trucking #6rulesofsuccess #iheartradio #spotify #apple #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerbriancollins #themikewagnershowbriancollins
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Andy Gateriewictz is a sought-after speaker and thought-leader in kinesics and micro-expression interpretation with 37 years of sales training and consulting experience. With proven techniques and cutting-edge research that transcend industry lines, he has led thousands of keynote addresses and seminars for managers of Fortune 500 companies such as AT&T, Bank of America, IBM, Radio Disney and Lucent Technologies. Andy has over 35 years of experience in Sales Management and in Sales Training conducting Seminars for various big firms. He published DVD Collections about Body Language and authored the book "The Unfinished Work Week". His work has been recognized as an authority in understanding and using body language throughout the selling process, and is the founder of Body-Chats.com that helps interpret body language, study, interpret successfully in a myriad of markets and learning the secrets to successfully interpreting what he or she is really saying or thinking using body language! Check out the amazing Andy Gateriewictz on all major platforms and www.body-chats.com and download the app today! #andygateriewictz #bodychats #bodylanguage #salestraining #consulting #salesmanagement #theunfinishedworkweek #AT&T #radiodisney #iheartradio #spotify #apple #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerandygateriewictz #themikewagnershowandygateriewictz
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
4x award-winning transformational coach, international speaker, author, and minister Felicia Searcy aka “The Impact Multiplier” who has helped thousands create a path for living their dream life! For more than 20 years, Felicia has worked with people from all walks of life who are seeking the secret component that accelerates success! Felicia is a highly sought-after international speaker who has shared the stage with Les Brown, Mary Morrissey, Sandra Yancey and featured on the major networks plusher proven “dream activation code” helps people multiply their results to create a richer, more fulfilling life! Felicia discusses how to break out of the “almost there” cycle, unlocking your untapped brilliance, activating your “Universal Headlight”, powerful methods and simple strategies of fighting procrastination, fear, doubt, worry, and unlocking the power of the Universal Law! Check out the amazing Felicia Searcy on all major platforms and www.feliciasearcy.com today! #feliciasearcy #transformationalcoach #internationalspeaker #theimpactmultiplier #universallaw #universalheadlight #lesbrown #marymorrissey #sandrayancey #iheartradio #spotify #apple #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerfeliciasearcy #themikewagnershowfeliciasearcy
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Puerto Rico multi-talented born/raised Jesus Maldonado is my very special guest!
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Puerto Rico multi-talented born/raised Jesus Maldonado talks about his amazing career as an actor and co-host of Super Q radio in Tampa, Florida! Jesus began his career making people laugh at a very young age and moving to Tampa at 21 to pursue the film industry, plus working various jobs until ’19 and has appeared in “Jay & Silent Bob Reboot Movie”, “Come In We’re Open”, “Junior Squad”, “The Last Bounty”, “Agent X2 Quaratine” and more! Jesus is also the author of “The Path of Enlightenment”, “Marriage 101:The Blueprint” and how be became co-host at Super Q radio! Check out the amazing Jesus Maldonado on all streaming platforms today! #jesusmaldonado #actor #puertorico #tampaflorida #superqradio #jayandsilentbobrebootmovie #juniorsquad #thelastbounty #agentx2quaratine #thepathofenlightment #marriage101 #iheartradio #spotify #apple #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerjesusmaldonado #themikewagnershowjesusmaldonado
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Douglasville, GA author, writer, speaker and mentor Victoria Robinson talks about her latest book “The Warrior Who Didn’t Speak” where trauma, loss and heartache are negative experiences that brings about shame, guilt and possible rejection. While most victims resort to silence as a way to cope with their trauma, she breaks the popular stigma by choosing to speak and share her story of how she emerged from that of a victim to a warrior! Victoria is the daughter of a local pastor growing up in church currently works as a flight attendant and is currently in school studying Business Administration with a Finance concentration. She is devoted wholeheartedly to her family, her close friends, church and more importantly to God! Check out her latest release on all major retailers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads and more! #victoriarobinson #author #douglasville #georgia #thewarriorwhodidntspeak #trauma #healing #warrior #church #flightattendant #iheartradio #spotify #apple #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnervictoriarobinson #themikewagnershowvictoriarobinson
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Former 308 Ghost Train frontman and multi-award-winner Caruso is back with his latest release “Nobody Can Hurt You” bringing a 90’s inspired upbeat pop/rock vibe with a surprising spoken word melodic verse that’ll leave you wanting for more! Anthony began his solo career with “Movin’ On” featuring “Simple Man”, “Love You More”, “Dark Days” and featured in over 100 magazines, publications and podcasts and getting ready to take his career to a whole new level! Check out the latest from Caruso on all streaming platforms and www.carusotheartist.com today! #caruso #anthonycaruso #singer #308ghosttrain #carusotheartist #nobodycanhurtyou #movinon #simpleman #loveyoumore #darkdays #iheartradio #spotify #apple #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnercaruso #themikewagnershowcaruso
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Sunday Jun 25, 2023
Maryland accomplished blues singer/songwriter Lauren Glick (Spectra Music Group) talks about her latest release “Lush” featuring “Don’t Add Up”, “Little White Lies” and her previous songs “Free’, “Be Strong”, “I Had it All” and more! Lauren is a graduate of Berkeley College of Music and accomplished bassist/pianist opened for America, Beach Boys, Cheap Trick and a local favorite at Sunfest, Springfest, Freedom Stage, etc. plus talks about how she started in her career, major influences, upcoming plans for 2023 and more! Check out the latest release by the amazing Lauren Glick on all major platforms and www.laurensings.com and www.spectramusicgroup.com today! #laurenglick #spectramusicgroup #lush #dontaddup #littlewhitelies #berkelycollegeofmusic #oceancity #salisbury #maryland #america #beachboys #cheaptrick #iheartradio #spotify #apple #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerlaurenglick #themikewagnershowlaurenglick
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Michigan writer/director Matt Busch talks about his latest release after 13 years of hard ambitious work of his magnum opus “The Aladdin 3477 Motion Picture Trilogy” along with actor Erik Steele based on the classic Arabian Knights set 1,500 years into the future through India and Asia! Unlike Disney’s version, this adventure looks like Star Wars, feels like Indiana Jones, and is vast in scope like Lord of the Rings. The first independent film, titled Aladdin 3477: The Jinn of Wisdom starring the multi-talented Erik Steele is expected to be released this year. Matt began his career Hollywood illustrating storyboards and concept art for films like Con-Air and The Matrix. Simultaneously, he gained notoriety in the worlds of licensing and publishing, creating art for high profile properties like Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, and Stranger Things. Busch is mostly known for the massive amount of art he’s provided for the Star Wars Universe. If you live on the planet Earth, you’ve likely seen his illustrations on books, posters, apparel, and more! Matt also has a kickstarter campaign and find out how you can help! Check out the amazing Matt Busch at www.MattBusch.com, for Aladdin 3477 at www.aladdin3477.com and how you can help at www.kickstarter.com/projects/mattbusch/aladdin-3477today! #mattbusch #aladdin3477 #aladdin #directormattbusch #arabianknights #starwars #georgelucas #thejinnofwisdom #conair #thematrix #iheartradio #spotify #apple #youtube #anchorfm #podbean #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnermattbusch #themikewagnershowmattbusch #mikewagneraladdin3477 #themikewagnershowaladdin3477